Ignite Youth Missions Conference

IGNITE Youth Missions Conference: Great Lakes Region

Ignite Youth Missions Conference is an exciting, hands-on youth conference designed to inspire teenagers for the cause of world missions, instruct them in God’s plan to win the world, and equip them to begin accomplishing this goal today. It promises to be unlike anything your youth group has ever experienced. Serving God through missions is EXCITING!

Our daily schedule is built around four different types of motivating sessions:

1.  Preaching Services - Be challenged by powerful messages themed around reaching the world for Christ.

2.  Activities - Be prepared to get your hands dirty while learning survival and leadership skills.

3.  Power Sessions - Be instructed by veteran missionaries in the fundamentals of mission work.

4.  Presentations - Be inspired by personal testimonies of men and women who are touching the world today.


$10 per person

To help offset the cost of the conference, there will be a free-will offering, as well as opportunities to purchase merchandise.  If your church would like to contribute to the conference financially, checks can be made to Crossroads Baptist Church with Ignite in the memo.


 IYMC:GLR will be held at

Camp Michael

6103 Ewalt Rd.

Imlay City, MI 48444


 Registration and Cabin Set-up: Thursday from 11:00 AM to Noon

Conference Closing: Saturday at Noon

2024 Speakers

Each speaker has been carefully selected for the experience and wisdom they bring to the table.  You will be challenged, instructed, and energized to reach your world with the Gospel!

Pastor Paul Williams

    Pastor Williams grew up in the small town of McMillan, MI.  As a young boy, he was so shy that his school teachers thought he was mute for the first several weeks of school.  He would overcome this shyness as the Lord moved in his heart to preach His Word.

     Pastor Williams and his wife, affectionately known as Miss Bev, went to Canada to Bible college.  Upon completion of college, Pastor Williams felt the call of God to start a church in his hometown of McMillan.  A year later, he and Miss Bev were married.  They have served together at the Northstar Baptist Church for 45 years. 

     Over those years, a number of young people from their Christian school have gone around the globe as pastors, missionaries, and full-time servants of Christ.  As a result, Pastor Williams has had the opportunity to preach the Word of God on five continents.  Just days before this conference, he will be returning from a preaching trip down the Amazon River, making South America his sixth continent where he has brought God's Word!

Missionary Michael Williams

Global Evangelism Ministry Services

     Michael grew up in his dad's church in McMillan, MI.  From the time he was a young man, he carried a burden for worldwide missions.  While attending Bible college, he met his wife Brooke.  Together, they were given the opportunity to go with a team of missionaries to Africa, where God continued developing them for His work. 

     Michael and his family went to Ghana, West Africa, where they started churches and saw many saved.  While there, they became acquainted with much pain, suffering, illness, loss, and spiritual warfare.

     God has used them in both Europe and Africa.  Now, Michael and his family are operating their missions training and support ministry out of Memphis, TN. 

     Michael brings a passionate message of seeing the Lord at work through the storms of life, as well as allowing the Lord to mold and shape you through adversity as you yield to His will.  

Missionary Jason Dover

     Jason went to Bible college in the cornfields of Iowa.  While a student, he took an unconventional approach to preparing himself for whatever God had for his future.  He would often be found sleeping on the floor of his dormitory or outside on the college campus during a rainstorm.  He felt that the Lord would have him try to reach the unreached, so he wanted to be prepared for whatever route that would take. 

     While at college, he met his wife Rory.  The Lord called them to go as missionaries to Peru.

     Once on Peruvian soil, Jason took much time and care to foster relationships in the villages where he would minister.  It wasn't long before he started hearing of an unreached tribe of indigenous people in the jungles of the Amazon, not far from where he was serving.  His unusual preparation paid off as he and his brother in-law began to make treks into the jungle interior in search of this tribe. On several occasions, they faced beasts, hostile people, near death experiences, disease, and loss.  You will get to hear more of his  missionary adventures at IYMC! 

Other Mentors

Pastor Jeff and Kathy DuFour

Kendall and Ashley DuFour

Mrs. Brooke Williams

Mrs. Rory Dover

Grant Williams

More to come...

Contact Information

Call: Kendall DuFour (515) 408-6237

Email: iymc.greatlakes@gmail.com

Facebook: facebook.com/IYMC.GreatLakes

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